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Russian Robinson Club presents:

November, 2020

7Q7RU DXpedition is over! Despite the serious difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic everything ended well. We made more than 47K QSOs in all HF bands + SAT. QSL cards in print and will mailing soon. A small video clip (tnx EW7L) is available here. Greetings from our team and see you soon on air from interesting locations! 73!
CallSign: 7Q7RU
DXCC entry: Malawi (7Q)
QTH: nr Embangweni
ITU zone: 53
CQ zone: 37
Coordinates: 12° 08' 17'' S 33° 28' 28'' E
GRID square: KH67ru

Expedition start
Team meeting in Moscow. Departure to Lilongwe, Malawi.
The way to QTH
The way from airport to our QTH by the car.
Setup the station
Setup the station and first antennas in Malawi.
7Q7RU on the air!
Activity on the air from Malawi and setting up new antennas.
7Q7RU on the air!
Part of the Dxpedition team remains in Lilongwe and continue to work on the air.
Dismantling the radio camp and prepare for leaving Malawi (main part of the team).
Way back
The team leaves Malawi and take a way to home (main part of the team).

Equipment & antennas
Elecraft K-3 + PA home made 1 KW
Elecraft K-3 + PA Ten Tec titan 1 KW
ICOM IC-7000 + PA home made 1 KW
Elecraft K-2
IC-910 for VHF/SAT
Antenna 1
Antenna 2
Antenna 3
Antenna 4
Antenna 5
Antenna 6
Antenna 7
Antenna 8
Antenna 9
Antenna 10
Antenna 11
Antenna 12
GP 24m DL2KQ for 160m
GP 18m DL2KQ for 80m
Beverage RX antenna for 160, 80m
Hex beam for 20, 15, 10m
Multi-band GP 40-10m
Dipole for 80m
VDA for 15m
3 el. VDA for 17m
2 el. GP for 40m
Dipole for 60m
VHF Yagi 5х144/11х432 (SAT QO-100)
0,6m disk + QO-100
160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 2m, 70cm, s/х
CW, SSB, FT-8 (F/H mode, WSJT-X 2.0 software)

Vasily R7AL
The team
On - site support

Don, K6ZO / 7Q6M

Junior, 7Q7JN

Andy, UA3FQ

Aleksandr, RA3AV
Off - site support

Serge, RW3XA

Igor, UA9KDF

Leo, RW9JZ

Alex, EW7A

Victor, UA3AKO

Alexander, RW5C

Ed, NT2X

Max, RT2D

Our team is kindly grateful for your support!
Clubs & foundations

Individual sponsors

Kan, JA1BK

Andrey, RK7A

Alexander, RW3RN

Gena, R8KAN

Sergey, RX3APM

Yuri, R5FP

Serge, UA0SC

Igor, UA9KDF

Val, ON8AH

Ilya, R2DJ

Pavel, RU3UW

Dima, R5DD

Yuri, UA0KBG

Robert, W9EWZ
UA1ZZ, Avinir
RU3SD, Vasily
UA0CID, Oleg
VK5MAV, Andy
UA3EDQ, Igor
RW0LT, Vlad
RW3DD, Ken
UI3A, Ali
K6MAA, Aleksandr
UA3AKI, Aleksander
UA0LUM, Aleksander
RC2SB, Dmitry
RN3RY, Andy
R3DL, Amir
R1ZM, Sergey
K2BB, Alex
RX3X, Ilya
K4KSV, David
R6AW, Tom
RA0FF, Eugene
RD4A, Alexander
IK0PUL, Andrea
4Z5OZ, Vladislav
RU5D, Maxim
RT5T, Dima
R2EC, Alexandr
R2AOQ, Alex
RW0CR, Alexander
N5DG, Ed
DJ6YX, Tom
RZ3DX, George
US5WE, Victor
UR5WA, Helen
UA3XFO, Vladimir
RA3UT, Vladimir
RA4HPI, Dmitri
R2QA, Dmitry
RC9F, Vasily
RL4A, Nick
RW4C, Dmitriy
EA5Z, Angel
EA2AA, Jose
R9CW, Valeriy
F4GYM, Fabien
UA9LBQ, Serge
W8UV, Phil
R2RZ, Serge
RA6AR, Tom
JA8UIV, Hisa
EA5E, Elmo
PH7PCF, Albert
UN7JID, Larry
F4DXV, Jerome
RW3VM, Alexander
RW5D, Serge
UN2G, Eugene
RW9FM, Mike
UA3123SWL, Evgeny
R2DYA, Dmitry
RA3FP, Andy
UA9LT, Dima
EW6FL, Alex
R1FW, Andrey
UA6EX, Eugene
RN3QO, Sergey
UA9LAO, Eugene
RO9L, Alexandr
R8LO, Oleg
UA7N, Igor
R5AO, Evgeny
RO9O, Alex
RJ9M, Sergey
UA0SU, Leonid
RK3M, Igor
UA6CT, Kirill
RZ9YW, Sergei
RU6AV, Vladimir
R2AD, Paul
RU3OW, Yuri
RX3XA, Andrey
RU4HU, Andy
NG0T, Dan
KE9L, Skip
VU2LBW, Lucky
RA3RGQ, Serge
R4HM, Dmitry
RM2P, Anatoly
UA9OC, Victor
UB3A, Andrey
UA9BA, Willy
W0GJ, Glenn
RK9AK, Slawa
UA0NL, Arthur
RA3QSY, Igor
RW9HSB, Alexander
JA2NDQ, Hiro
UA9FAR, Vladimir
W0GJ, Glenn
W7/UT5JDA, Alena
OK8AU, Viacheslav
R2AAB, Denis
R9AB, Mike
R6DAZ, Valery
JN7FAH, Kensuke
RM3O, Sergey
R5WW, Igor
SP6EQZ, Wlodek
EA8CYU, Jose
4X4DK, Ami
LA0FA, Mat
K5XS, Bernie
9A0T, Tony
HB9SLO, Berti
N4EFS, Rebecca
AA4MB, Matt
KH6DC, Delwyn
NZ7M, Sidney
KA3ZLS, Chris
S57NML, Andrej
DL4EA, Antonio
K1PX, Jim
OK1MP, Milos
F8ATM, Laurent
LB5GI, Gjermund
W0SZ, Steve
VK2PN, Pat
F6AUS, Serge
SP9RPW, Jacek
OE4AAC, Erich
DK7NL, Rolf
MI0ILE, George
W4ARK, Paul
KG9Z, Scott
K5CD, Zijad
K6ZP, Andrew
W5WI, Dale
WM6Q, Bob
VE3NJC, John
VK2QV, Ras
R0SR, Igor
RA3WDK, Ivan
RT3W, Andrej
UA3DCI, Anatoly
RA3DZ, Eugene
RL3F, Eugene
UA6EC, Nikolai
RW9LL, Igor
R9LM, Alexander
R8LBU, Dmitriy
RN3RQ, Jack
RM9RZ, Igor
UA3FF, Sergey
RL9Y, Alexey
RW1CW, Vladimir
R3QW, Yuri
RA3TT, Nikolay
R7AA, Vasily
RX9KT, Yuri
RU6AI, Eugene
UA1CKC, Vladimir
UA3LID, Alexander
AB4SF, Wray
K7STO, Mike
AD7XG, Gary
SV8QG, Alex
IZ0BVU, Lorenzo
K1GJQ, Jerry
KR7RR, John
K7EAZ, Ken
AD8FD, Brian
KH6M, Mitch
N9ATV, Sean
K0PC, Pat
OE9DGV, Guntram
WD5KBY, Wally
VA3YP, Rasim
DL1ZU, Martin
DM2RM, Ronny
K4UFB, Earl
YL2SW, Valery
IT9AXZ, Enrico
W0DGI, Daniel
K6QU, Jerry
W1SKU, Fred
K0IVK, Joseph
LA3PK, Jan
KC4EOG, Chris
WD9GYM, Marty
IK0USO, Marcelo
SN6P, Marek
AC5RN, Mark
AD4ES, Charles
K1RI, Robert
K8TE, Bill
JM1ESG, Kazu
YO2CMI, Bernardt
I0BYR, Aldo
W7II, Bill
SM5PHU, Jonas
K8MFO, Don
WK9U, Jason
JE1AEX, Takeo
JA7AUM, Ishi
EI7BA, John
K7GM, Rick
KB4EE, Fred
K4AV, Melvin
N2QT, Mark
K4FHI, Bob
OK6DJ, David
KF0QS, Bernard
K0YA, Harold
K8ZH, Rick
LA7THA, Rune
OH1LAR, Matti
DL1SUS, Rolf
G3SEN, Ron
OK1NP, Jan
HB9GWJ, Olivier
SM5AQD, Hakan
K4AWM, Alan
W0PSY, Marv
NF1G, Paul
RJ3AA, Serge
EU2AA, Vladimir
R7GA, Vadim
UA3YY, Serge
RU9F, Serge
R7LP, Oleg
R8LBV, Artem
RA9FOR, Sergey
RL9F, Serge
UA1QY, Igor
RW0AR, Vasiliy
9A5N, Neno
UA1ORK, Sergey
UA4PT, Pavel
RQ3M, Alexey
RL6DF, Alexey
RW4YD, Aleksander
R5EC, Nick
R9OK, Pavel
UA6LQZ, Anatoly
DL9CK, Martin
KD3CQ, Dan
W3KX, Jack
K0UA, James
K5BG, Bob
KD5M, Edd
VA3DF, Doug
K2DH, Dave
K6ND, Will
WD5COV, David
OZ5XE, Erik
W3YQ, Tim
N5ECT, Jimmy
K5FUV, William
K8LBT, Den
W0DD, Richard
SM0BYD, Hans
AA1V, Don
DM2FX, Sven
JG0CQK, Hiko
W0BV, Bob
LA3BO, Svein
AD7KG, Jed
SM5CBM, Bertie
AI0O, Rob
EA8ZS, Manuel
K4ESE, Neill
W0UO, Jim
NR1R, Rey
N4RJ, Hugh
W1KMA, Chris
5P1KZX, Michael
IK0MHR, Roberto
N3VA, Chester
HA5OLA, Robert
OE3DSB, Gerald
AC0DA, Dan
W8RES, Bob
W1KDA, Ronald
IK2SGB, Abele
F5MDB, Walter
K2FF, Glenn
G3ZSS, Peter
K5GS, Gene
N3SL, Steve
KK9O, Cliff
PY2DV, Mario
WB9MSM, Denny
SP5ENA, Miroslaw
N0NV, David
PY2MSR, Gustavo
EA2AGV, Javier
OE5RLM, Rudolf
LA9VFA, Olav
WS5W, Steve
RV3LO, Andrew
R8WF, Vladimir
RA9LY, Alexey
RU4SO, Victor
R9LAU, Anton
R5AK, Anatoly
R1FB, Andrew
RT5Q, Aleksey
R6DR, Alexander
RU6DX, Valery
R9LY, Nick
UB9JDF, Alexandr
UA9LDT, Eugene
RA1QY, Alexey
UA0SE, Sergey
RK6C, Alex
R2AB, Alexander
RL3DF, Alex
RK7M, Alexey
UA6MF, Ivan
RA7KR, Vladimir
UR4LRG, Dmitry
RK8A, Vlad
RX9WN, Alik
RO1M, Eugene
R5DB, Dmitry
How to donate
For donation in USD
PayPal account
Сбербанк России
For donation in Euro
For donation in JPY
Карта MasterCard Сбербанка России
4276 2200 1735 2702
Владелец: Суханов Василий Авинирович
Contacts & QSL info
For message to our team please use this form
Expedition pilot / coordinator:
Expedition pilot / coordinator:
QSL manager:

Full DXpedition log will uploaded to Club log and LoTW.
Fast LoTW upload for donors and sponsors
QSL is OK via buro or direct.
For QSL-request please use log search form.
For Sponsors and Donors QSLs will be sent direct automatically!
The Plaque "7Q7RU Band-Slot Challenge".
The purpose of this competition is working 7Q7RU on as many different bands and modes as possible baseв on Clublog score. TOP TEN stations will win a special plaque sponsored by team members and shipped from Russia worldwide. Good luck to all and see you soon on the air!
The Plaque "MALAWI 2020 7Q7RU".
This plaque is issued for contacts with the Team 7Q7RU. To get this Plaque you need to work 3 QSO on different bands or modes with 7Q7RU. More info here.
7Q7RU Online log and QSL request
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