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Expedition dates:


From 16th till 30 of July, 2015




RI1PC (Chaichy isl), 

RI1PT (Timanets isl)

Initially we planned to get the Islands by sea from Severodvinsk on the yacht “Vozvraschenie”. Thus our way in one direction only would have taken about 4 days with perfect weather. So we had a good look at the second route by plane through the village Indiga which was more costly financially but significantly would reduced travel time and possible risks associated with weather.

We managed to negotiate with the resident of the village  Indiga about our transportation by boat to the Islands.

Basic equipment (tents, sleeping bags, generators, amplifiers, antennas, tools, fuel, etc.) was sent in advance by the sea shipping company  and would wait for us in Indiga.

Approximate plan (will be updated depending on weather and circumstances):



July, 15th – departure of the command to Arkhangelsk

July, 16th  early morning – meeting in Arkhangelsk in Vaskovo airport

July, 16th  10:15 – departure by plane Antonov-2 from Arkhangelsk to Indiga

July, 16th  evening – sailing off to the sea to the first island

July, 22th – “move” on the second island

July, 29th – return to Indiga

July, 30th – departure from Indiga to Arkhangelsk

July, 31th – setting out of the participants home

It is planned to organize 2 working positions on each island and continuous work in the air for 6 days.

Which of the Islands we are going to land in the first place and which in the second will be decided in Indiga before departure.


We are also planning to participate in the IOTA Contest July 25-26 from one of the Islands.



I. Transiver IC-756Pro3, power supply, interface, notebook, PA 1kW, bandpass filters, generator 2,7 kW

II. Transiver IC-7200, power supply, interface, notebook, PA 700 Watts, generator 1,5 kW

III. Transiver IC-7000, interface, notebook


I.  Trapby multi band vertical on 40-10m (including WARC)

II. Trapby multi band vertical on 40-10m (including WARC)

III. Inv "V" for 40 and 80м

IV. 10 el. of yagi for 2m

V. 2 el. of vertical delta loop on 20м (rotated)

Bands: 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 and 10 m

Modes: CW, SSB

Polar day time will be in this period in the Arctic and we do not expect good conditions on the low band but we hope for a good conditions on 20m band and above. Therefore we will focus on the work on HF. 

Unfortunately the topography of the island and the limited time of stay would not allow to use directional antennas.

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