Special callsign UE23RRC is dedicated to celebration of the 23-th anniversary of Russian Robinson Club.
The plan to work in the air round the clock during 4-5 with the two high power stations and directional antennas from Kambalnyy (Toporkov) island, IOTA: AS-142. This island was presented on the air only once in 1999, and today is rated of 12.5% on IOTA Most Wanted list.
One member of our team,Vladimir, RK8A, will activate Paramushir island, IOTA: AS-025 and rare RDA: SL-20 on the same time.
Also we would be active from the yacht on the way to the island and back from different QRA locators and RDA areas.
Priority is to give new IOTA for as many chasers as possible. We'll pay attention to specific regions during peak
hours on the most common HF bands.
There are all the necessary permissions on hand - the landing permission from the State National Reserve authorities and military visas.
Please, pay attantion that the dates are prior and could be changed. Stay tuned for any news and updates on expedition web site!

10th of august, 2016
The arrival of the team to Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky.
Preparation, configuration of the equipment.
If would have time QRV from Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky, RDA KT-01 using our personal calls /0.

11th of august, 2016
Loading equipment to the yacht "Esperance" and out to sea.

11th - 14th of august, 2016
The way to the Kambalnyy island by yacht.
If it would be possible, we will work from the broadcast by Callsign UE23RRC/mm from different QRA locators and RDA areas: KT-01, KT-06 KT-09, SL-20.

14th of august, 2016
Landing on the Kambalnyy (Toporkov) island , encamping, the installation of working positions and the antennas.

14th - 18th of august, 2016
Activity on the air from Kambalny (Toporkov) island IOTA: AS-142.
Callsign UE23RRC will be used on two working positions.

15th of august, 2016
Landing on Paramushir island the port of Severo-Kurilsk. Unloading equipment, looking-for a place for the shack, encampment, installation of antennas.

15th - 18th of august, 2016
Activity on the air from Paramushir island IOTA: AS-025.
Callsign UE23RRC/p will be used from one working position.

19th - 21th of august 2016
Return by the same route to Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky. If it would be possible we will work in the broadcast by Callsign UE23RRC/mm from different QRA locators and RDA areas: KT-01, KT-06 KT-09, SL-20.
24th of august, 2016
Departure from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Moscow
I. Transceiver IC-756Pro3, p/s, interface, notebook, PA, band pass filtrers
II. Transceiver IC-7200, p/s, interface, notebook, PA
III. Transceiver IC-7000, p/s, interface, notebook (backup set)
IV. Transceiver IC-7300, p/s, interface, notebook, PA (equipment on AS-025)
Gasoline generator Honda 5 kWt.
I. 3-el. BEAM on 20-15-10m bands, mast 10m, rotary device
II. VDA on 20-15-10m bands
III. GP 1/4 for 40m band
IV. GP on 30 and 17m bands
IV. GP on 40, 30, 20, 17 и 15m (antenna on AS-025)
Bands: 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 and 10 meters
Modes: CW, SSB